Diabetes is a chronic, incurable disease caused by a deficiency or lack of use of insulin leading to excess sugar in the blood. Produced by the pancreas, insulin is a hormone that allows glucose (sugar) in food to be used by cells of the human body. The cells have all the energy they need to function.
If insulin is insufficient or if it does not fulfill its role adequately, as is the case in diabetes, glucose (sugar) cannot be used to fuel cells. It then accumulates in the blood and is then released into the urine. Over time, hyperglycemia caused by excessive glucose in the blood leads to certain complications, including the eyes, kidneys, nerves, heart and blood vessels.
To date, the actual cause of diabetes remains unknown. We know that certain factors may influence the development of diabetes: heredity, obesity, pregnancy, certain viruses or certain medications.
Types of Diabetes :
There are two main types of diabetes: type 1 and type 2. Sometimes, also develops diabetes during pregnancy (gestational diabetes).
» Type 1 diabetes :
- Type 1 diabetes occurs either in childhood, adolescence or young adults. It is characterized by the complete lack of insulin production. People with type 1 diabetes depend on daily insulin injections to live. It is currently impossible to prevent this type of diabetes. Searches are performed primarily to understanding the mechanisms destroying the cells responsible for insulin production.
» Type 2 diabetes :
- Type 2 diabetes occurs much later in life, usually after age 40. The vast majority of people with diabetes have this type of diabetes (90%). In recent years, we note that it appears earlier and diabetes in certain populations at risk. It can appear in childhood.
It is the type most insidious. Symptoms may be minimal and go unnoticed for several years. Unfortunately, when it is diagnosed, the damage is done.
By providing important corrections to our lifestyles, it is possible to delay the onset of the disease and lessen the impact.
Gestational diabetes :
- Gestational diabetes occurs during pregnancy, usually towards the end of the second quarter and in the third. It is also known as gestational diabetes. In 90% of cases, it will disappear after childbirth.
- Gestational diabetes (4-6% of pregnancies) affects both the baby and mother. The child may be larger than normal risk of developing diabetes later. For the mother, presence of diabetes increases the risk of infection, increases the level of fatigue and can cause complications during childbirth.
- Gestational diabetes can be treated and controlled through diet and adopting a healthy lifestyle. If, despite these changes, diabetes is not well controlled, insulin use becomes necessary because the use of oral anti-cons is indicated during pregnancy.
The symptoms :
The symptoms of diabetes do not show all the same way or with the same intensity. Whether Type 1, Type 2 or gestational diabetes, a consultation with a physician is required. The symptoms are :
- Exhaustion, drowsiness.
- Increased volume of urine.
- Thirst.
- Excessive hunger.
- Emaciation.
- Blurred vision.
- Slow healing.
- Genital infection.
- Tingling in the toes or feet.
- Change of character.
It should be noted that sometimes the symptoms are not apparent. Diabetes is a serious disease. It can have a significant impact on the quality of life for people living with this disease.
The hair is like a forest : the hair grows, live and dies. The dead hair fall and are normally replaced by young hair. It is considered that hair loss less than 50-100 hairs per day can be normal.
In some cases, hair loss exceeds 50 to 100 hairs a day and then we consider it as a hair loss disease.
» Hair loss takes many different forms, It can :
- Affect children, adults, men, and women.
- Relate to all or parts of the scalp.
- Reveal a normal scalp or scar.
- etc...
» Hair loss can be isolated or accompanied by many signs:
- Tiredness.
- Greasy hair.
- Brittle hair.
- Fine hair.
- Dandruff or crusts.
- Itching.
These signs are all important in determining the cause of hair loss and promoting factors or exacerbating hair loss.
Any hair loss thus requires a medical consultation to determine the cause, sometimes need a blood test, and to establish a treatment of hair loss.
Causes of hair loss :
A fall greater than 60-100 items per day or the appearance of a scarcity of hair (alopecia) may result from several mechanisms.
Hormonal, hereditary (genetic), affects more than half of men.
This is the main cause of baldness in men (75% of cases of hair loss). It is estimated that an increase of dihydrotestosterone (DHT) in the scalp which makes the hair thin and eventually fall off (the drug finasteride is precisely by blocking the synthesis of this hormone). Hormones including testosterone play an important role, because we know that castrated men do not lose their hair.
Stress (shown by scientific studies from 2005: Following a chain reaction that leads to blockage of the hair growth, which causes hair loss, because they are lost by renewed).
Poor diet (lack of minerals, vitamins or trace elements), in which case prefer natural treatments (wheat germ, ...) to fight against hair loss.
Side effects of certain drugs (anticancer drugs during chemotherapy, anti-hypertensives, anti-cholesterol, etc.).
Asthma is a disease characterized by inflammation more or less serious respiratory tract, and especially of the bronchi and bronchioles. It results in difficulty breathing, shortness of breath, wheezing or tightness in the chest. Is a chronic disease that occurs most often by crisis interspersed with periods where breathing is normal. In some people, however, asthma induced shortness of breath permanently, that interferes with daily activities.
Asthma is often linked to an abnormal reaction of the airways to various stimuli (allergens in the air, smoke, etc..).
An asthma attack often begins with a dry cough, followed by difficulty breathing, which causes wheezing clearly audible. It is usually accompanied by expectoration of mucus (sputum and cough).
Symptoms of asthma.
- Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath (dyspnea).
- Wheezing.
- A feeling of tightness, chest tightness.
- A dry cough factors that triggers the asthma attack.
- Airborne allergens (dust, pollen, animal dander, dust mites).
- Air pollutants (irritants in the workplace, wood fire smoke, exhaust fumes, air pollution, etc..).
* Tobacco smoke.
* food (food allergy) or food additives such as sulfites.
* Certain drugs (aspirin and other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, beta blockers used for heart problems or hypertension).
- Respiratory infections (colds, bronchitis, sinusitis, etc..) because they cause inflammation.
- Physical exercise, especially if carried out in winter, in cold and dry.
- Strong emotions (laughing, crying, anger, excitement), especially in children.
People at risk.
- Les personnes ayant une prédisposition génétique aux allergies ou ayant des parents ou des frères et sœurs asthmatiques.
- Les personnes qui étaient de petit poids à la naissance.
- Les personnes fréquemment exposées, dans leur milieu de travail, à des produits chimiques, par exemple à de la peinture, des produits de coiffure, des métaux, des plastiques, etc.
- Obese people.
- People with gastro esophageal reflux. Even if the reflux is not a cause of asthma, it is considered an aggravating factor or a trigger asthma symptom.
You asked yourself once why doctors insist during our visit to them in the clinic to request permanent open Alvm extending tongue ..!?
Who has not heard a word (Open your mouth) is not a sure
Piece of information I was not aware .. Even know what are the benefits of extending the tongue and the implications of the extended tongue every minute
Doctor asks you to go out your tongue at the examination and for the following reasons:
1 - Because if the color of your tongue tends to yellow
It indicates the proportion of yolk is high in blood
2 - If the color of your tongue tends to blue
This indicates the presence of heart disease or respiratory
3 - If the color of the tongue red and pink
This indicates that health
4 - If the pale color of the tongue
It indicates the presence of anemia
5 - If the tongue coating layer white
This indicates the presence of fever and digestive disorders
6 - If there was a jerk when the tongue out of mouth
This indicates the presence of toxic or nervous tension
In one recent study conducted in America confirmed that women are subjected to a significant increase in weight after marriage while men are subjected to gain weight after a divorce and said the recent study conducted at the University of Ohio, which lasted over 12 years that women are subjected to a significant increase in the proportion of body fat after marriage, especially in the age of thirty, and even the age of fifty, and attributed the U.S. researchers reason that women do sports on a regular basis before marriage but after marriage Feinsggueln functions of the home and raising children, making them less inclined to exercise and therefore are subject to weight gain in study explains why discriminate men weight perfect after the marriage, in contrast to many women for physical exertion outside and inside their homes, leading to the burning grease and fat, but they have to offer men to divorce may affect them psychologically and be a major factor in increasing the weight.
Explained the results show that marriage and divorce occur what might be called shocks weight, which increased the rate of weight gain low of 7 to 20 pounds per person almost does not equal marriage and divorce in the intensity of their influence, but that weight gain in men may lead later to what is more serious such as heart disease and death resulting.
Frequent incidence of weight gain in women married during the first two years of marriage as in men, we find that the danger immediately after the divorce, not marriage